Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Making Class Books with PocketMod

Pocket Mod!

Taking one sheet of paper and having it magically turn into a useable book is always a treat for children, teachers and parents. This site has some great ideas. You can adapt them for classroom studies. You can also use them as intended, as a paper version of a PDA.

From the website:
The PocketMod is a new way to keep yourself organized. Lets face it, PDAs are too expensive and cumbersome, and organizers are bulky and hard to carry around. Nothing beats a folded up piece of paper. That is until now. With the PocketMod, you can carry around the days notes, keep them organized in any way you wish, then easily transfer the notes to your PDA, spreadsheet, or planner.

What makes the PocketMod so special?

Many things make this little personal organizer special, here is a list.

  1. It fits easily in your back pocket or purse.
  2. It's as cheap as one piece of paper (Because that's all it is!)
  3. It opens like a book. Leading to easier to find, more organized notes.
  4. The first page has a pouch, big enough to carry a business card!
  5. Customizable with "Mods" tailored to your needs.
  6. It's free and fun!
You can see a YouTube example of how it works here Sorry, I do realize most of us don't have access to YouTube at school. Check it out at home or Starbucks though!

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